Inka Shamanism or Inka religion? 1

Inka Shamanism or Inka Religion?

Shamanism refers to the practices of a shaman, which involve connecting with forces or beings from the other world (i.e. with metaphysical forces) and using them for the benefit of people entrusted to him. The Inka tradition has very little in common with shamanic practices and shamanism.

Don Humberto Sonqo and Doña Bernina Apaza, two Q’ero Elders, Inka shamans and Inka priests

The Inka tradition is all about spirituality, energy work, and healing. It perceives the whole universe as a living entity in which man is a part of this living structure. It is concerned with being in harmony with nature and all living beings – both material and metaphysical – so that energy can flow freely.

To this end, the Inka tradition offers a great variety of tools and exercises that help people train and refine their ability to allow energy to flow and thereby experience personal growth, inner harmony, and contentment.

The practitioners of the Inka tradition call themselves Paqos; in the proper meaning of the word they are “priests,” because the spiritual art of the Andes has fewer elements of shamanism and more of the essential elements of a religion, which is why it is referred to as Inka religion.

A detailed definition with a wealth of background information can be found in the article entitled Inka Shamanism or Inka Religion?