Die Mesa eines Inka-Schamanen mit seinen Chumpi-Steinen

Hildegard of Bingen

In connection with an exceptional woman

Along in 2012, I organized a pilgrimage to Hildegard of Bingen for the first time with my friends from Peru, the anthropologist Prof. Juan Nuñez del Prado and his son, Ivan Nuñez del Prado. Even then, the three of us were fascinated by this Benedictine nun, who is still considered one of the greatest mystics of our time.

The work of Hildegard

Her works blend insights from the Old and New Testaments with the knowledge of foreign cultures, allowing the cosmos and the healing history to blend nicely. Hildegard of Bingen’s views on God and life in general were characterized by love and wholeness.

With her – and this is unique for the time – man no longer faces a strict, punishing God, but a loving power that is visible in everything that man sees in nature.

About the Inka tradition

The Inca tradition, on the other hand, is a spiritual practice that combines elements of the Catholic Church with an ancient cosmovision from South America. At its core, it teaches how we understand the universe as a sacred and interconnected web of life in which all things are part of a greater whole.

This spiritual wisdom teaches us how to create harmony within ourselves and our environment along with the rhythm of nature.

The Doctor of the Church and the tradition of the High Andes

In Hildegard’s teachings, man himself is so strongly embraced by the power of nature that he cannot be separated from God. He always has the freedom to lead his life responsibly and to decide for himself about his weal and woe.

During this pilgrimage, you will learn powerful Inca techniques to connect with Hildegard’s energy, her ancient places of power and, above all, with nature. As a strong and loving woman, this church scholar can help us to strengthen our inner qualities and increase our awareness.

In any case, the aim of this trip is for you to return home after this weekend with a new sense of lightness and perhaps even a new perspective on your life and your path.

WhatsApp to
Hans Martin Beck
+49 176 60022600


What you will experience

This journey begins in the city of Rüdesheim, leads from there to Bermersheim and Odernheim am Glan back to Bingen and then to Rüdesheim again.

You will get to know the most important places associated with the life and work of Hildegard of Bingen. Among other things, you will visit Hildegard’s baptistery, receive a detailed guided tour of the ruins of the Disibodenberg monastery and visit the remains of the Rupertsberg monastery.

At St. Hildegard’s Abbey, we immerse ourselves in the life of the Benedictine nuns and take part in the church service and a lecture on life as a nun. We work with the special energies at the Niederwald monument and connect with her relics in the pilgrimage church and the memorial church. 

What makes this weekend special

This trip is definitely different from other tourist events (and perhaps that is why it is so special). The focus is not on culture or special guided tours, but rather on connecting with the energy of this Benedictine abbess who is considered to be the founder of scientific natural history in Germany.

There is always some time for personal contemplation at the individual places we visit.


Fees/ number of participants

Due to limited bus and hotel capacities, unfortunately only 20 people can take part. The tour price depends on the date of your registration:


✪  Registration before July 16, 2024
Double room: € 590,– p.P.
Single room:  € 690,– p.P.

✪  Registration before Sept 16, 2024
Double room: € 640,– p.P.
Single room:  € 740,– p.P.

✪  Registration after Sept 16, 2024
Double room: € 590,– p.P.
Single room:  € 690,– p.P.


All prices include statutory value added tax.

Oct 18, 2024
further options single room surcharge: 100 EUR
Prices depend on the registration date

Oct 20, 2024690 EUR590 EUR🟢BuchenAnfragen

🟢  available    🟡  few seats   🔴  sold out


When registering, you will automatically receive an invoice by email. You can then decide whether to pay the total amount immediately by credit card or within a week by bank transfer.


These services are included:

  • 2 nights in a 3-star hotel in a half double room (together with your partner or another person of the same sex)
  • 2 meals per day
    A lunchbox is included on day 1, breakfast and lunch on day 2, breakfast and lunchbox on day 3
  • Entrance fees
  • All journeys by coach or minibus

These services are not included:

  • Single room (surcharge subject to availability: EUR 100)
  • Beverages and dinner
  • Arrival to the starting point or departure from the end point of the journey
  • Additional overnight stay on arrival before the start of the trip or after the end of the trip
  • Voluntary tips
  • Travel insurance



General information
The Hildegard of Bingen trip begins on Oct 18, 2024 at 9am in 65385 Rüdesheim and ends on Oct 20, 2024 at around 3pm back at the starting point in Rüdesheim. It will take place if at least 10 people have registered by Aug 18, 2024.

Please therefore only book flights and other services once you have received written confirmation that this trip will actually take place.

The closest airport to Rüdesheim is the international airport in Frankfurt (FRA). By car it may take approx. 40 minutes to the meeting point, by public train approx. 1,5 hours. Please check Google Maps for your best options.

When you register, you will automatically receive an invoice by email. You can decide whether to pay the invoice amount immediately after registration by credit card or within one week by bank transfer.

Due to the nature of the paths, this tour is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchair users and people with walking difficulties. A certain degree of mobility and physical stamina is required as you should be able to walk uphill and downhill on a gravel road for about an hour

No special knowledge of the Inka tradition is required to take part in this trip. All exercises and other information are always given in English



The two overnight stays are in a 3-star hotel. The tour price includes two meals (breakfast and lunchbox or breakfast and lunch), whereas you take care of drinks and dinner.

In case you arrive before the start of the trip and would like to stay at the hotel (our meeting point), you can reserve a room there (provided the call-off contingent is still available).

Special diet
Before we begin I will send out a questionnaire regarding the dietary requirements of all participants and pass these information on to the hotel. Depending on the effort involved (especially in the case of food intolerances), the hotel may charge a surcharge, which you will have to pay on site.


You can take part in this trip regardless of whether you have full COVID-19 vaccination protection or a current recovered status. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that you comply at all times with the legal requirements that apply in Germany and Austria at the time of travel. Therefore, if the legal regulations change and you are unable to participate for this reason, I may not refund the travel price paid.

Background information:

I am planning this trip several months in advance without knowing how the infection situation in Germany and Austria will develop and what legal requirements will be necessary at the start of the trip.

As the travel groups are very manageable and take place in an almost family atmosphere, I cannot afford financially to confirm the trip once the minimum number of participants has been reached (and thus book hotel rooms, admission tickets, coach and flight tickets for Juan and Ivan) if participants who have been firmly scheduled cancel their booking later due to official regulations.

If the travel group becomes so small that I actually have to cancel the trip, I cannot do this if other participants have already booked their flight or train ticket and would not be reimbursed for these costs in the event of cancellation. Together with the costs that would be incurred if I had to cancel at a later date, the trip would be very risky for me.

I therefore strongly recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance when booking this trip, which also includes the financial risks of a COVID-19 illness. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will lose the travel price you have already paid if you cancel.

Furthermore, in the event of a positive corona test (also on site), participants may be excluded from participation in the trip at short notice in order to protect the other participants. In this case, too, I will not refund the travel price.


Since life is not predictable and things can change quickly, I strongly recommend the conclusion of a seminar cancellation insurance.

In many cases – especially in times of COVID-19 or in case a family member gets sick and you can’t leave for the workshop – this insurance covers for the cancellation fees and saves you from the financial consequences. Please do not transfer this personal risk to Inka World, as I may not be able to be as accommodating as I would like or you would like.

Cancellation fees

The Hildegrd of Bingen journey involves some serious financial obligations. As the group is small and rather informal I charge cancellation fees in the event that you cancel your participation before the start of the event.

These cancellation fees are based on the time of your cancellation and are staggered as follows:

  • Up to 60 days before the start of the event:
    10% of the course fee
  • 59 to 21 days before the start of the event:
    30% of the course fee
  • 20 to 10 days before the start of the event:
    75% of the course fee
  • 9 days or less before the start of the event:
    100% of the course fee
  • If you do not attend the event, the course fee will be charged in full

If you can not attend the event, you are free to name a substitute. As soon as this replacement person has paid the participation fee in full, you will receive your already paid registration fee – we will only deduct a processing fee of 50,00 EUR. You need to take care of any bank charges for reimbursement of the participation fee.