Die Mesa eines Inka-Schamanen mit seinen Chumpi-Steinen

Inka Path Workshop

Delve into the spiritual wisdom of the high Andes of Peru. Meet face-to-face with Juan Nuñez del Prado, Ivan Nuñez del Prado and Hans-Martin Beck

The Inca Path workshop conveys the basics of the Inca spirituality and cosmovision in a compact manner. You will perform stunishing exercises, participate in powerful initiations and receive many explanations that help you view your current situation from a different perspective and steer your life in new directions.

At the end of this workshop you will have all you need to bring your energy into a flow and create your best life full of joy and self-confidence.

Course language is English with German translation. 

This ancient wisdom of the Inkas about energy work, human development and the meaning of life has been passed on in the high Andes of Peru for centuries – from teacher to student and orally only. Finally, at the end of the 1970s, indigenous masters (so-called alto mesayoqs) transmitted their knowledge to Juan Nuñez del Prado continuously and over many years.

Western people need explanations

In order to fully understand what these top teachers of their times were teaching, he not only applied anthropological methods, but also delved deeply into Jungian psychology as well as sociology, quantum physics and comparative religion.

Some years later Ivan followed his father’s footsteps working with another great master from the Q’ero community. Today, they both are recognized as important spiritual teachers of Latin America.

What particularly distinguishes them from many others is the fact that they are able to explain the ancient wisdom of the Inkas in an understandable, solid and comprehensible manner with the help of Western science. Some of their students describe them as a encyclopedia, a living field of knowledge, since there is hardly a question to which they both couldn’t reply with a concrete and accurate answer.

Juan and Ivan along with Hans-Martin as translator and co-teacher lead through this course that is filled with more than 40 years of knowledge and experience.

The end of your search

All exercises are based on working with intention, so you will neither learn to meditate nor pray. The Inka techniques are characterized by the fact that they are only carried out “in your mind”, which is why they are invisible to others, discreet and highly efficient.

This is probably the reason why more and more people working in medical, therapeutic, teaching or healing professions are keen to learn and practise these powerful exercises.

If you have attended other traditions, practices or spiritual schools, you are welcome to attend this workshop – and most likely you will then recognize that you found yet another way to strongly improve your life and enlarge your inner self.

Feedback from Anna

Or as Anna from Hamburg (Germany) pointed out: This workshop is a real treasure. I finally found what I have always been searching for! And by the way: You three men form a great team in which even women feel very comfortable. 

What worked for Anna could also work for you, don’t you think?

WhatsApp message:
Hans Martin Beck
+49 176 60022600


Inka Path 1: Logic and stucture

The right side of the Inca Path is characterized by its structure and order. In the foreground stands the human ability of thinking and understanding, it is above all about knowledge and wisdom, about the foundations of the Inca tradition.

These two days will teach you essential techniques of the Inca tradition to harmonize the relationship with yourself, your fellow human beings and your environment – which makes it your entire life. The work with male and female energies is of central importance in this spirituality, as a harmonious connection of these two energies has a greater power than either of the two energies considered on their own.

With the help of a simple but very powerful ceremony, you exchange your greatest personal strength with the other participants. This initiation is also an introduction to a level of consciousness that enables people to see reality as it really is: without fear, without projections, without prejudice.

You will then receive a direct connection with the spiritual lineage of the last free Inca.

Inka Path 2: Love as a power

The middle Inca path deals with another great power of humans, namely the ability to love and to feel.

These two days are an intense training that teaches you how to create love and feelings through simple group exercises. 

Previously, the energy centers will be opened in a ceremony and connected by power bands. Then, Juan and Ivan show you how to use these new connections to strengthen yourself and harmonize the energies between you and others.

This knowledge can be helpful, for example, to build a business relationship, to promote a friendship or to intensify a love relationship. 

Moreover, you will learn to transform heavy energy from the past as well as fears towards the future to improve your quality of life and live a self-determined life with joy and ease.

Inka Path 3: Find your magic

These two last days are related to the human capacity for action.

This left side is also referred to as magical side as it teaches exercises that can help you change your quality of life in a magical way. 

First, you will select eight special helpers from a defined list of criteria, and then connect with the energy of each one of those helpers to expand your personal abilities.

For example, you will be able to create love at will without the help of other people (as was necessary in the Inca Path 2). In addition, these helpers teach you how to speak with power, assess and constantly expand your individual strength. 

Inca Path 3 teaches you how to use your creativity and intuition to recognize your potential, and to strengthen your power of manifestation.

Inka Path 4: Master Class

These two days will enable you to develop your personal power and consciousness even further.

Yyou will first learn the techniques of Tata Lorenzo, a master of the Kalawaya tradition in Bolivia, whose techniques begin where the tools of the right, middle and left paths end —namely, you will learn how to connect with other people and strengthen your past and future.

In addition, you will dive into the basics of C. G. Jung’s so-called process of individuation, This modern and scientific perspective will make it easier for you to see the “mode of action” of the spiritual Inca tradition.

You will also learn about the most important legends and myths of the Incas as well as advanced cleaning and healing techniques.


fromtoFeesSpecialSpaceSign inSend email
Oct 27, 2024
Inka Path 1-4 Special price (early-bird) when registering before Aug 2, 2024. Fees include 20% VAT. 
Nov 3, 20241.859 EUR1.690 EUR🟢BookRequest
Oct 27, 2024
Inka Path 1-3 Special price (early-bird) when registering before Aug 2, 2024. Fees include 20% VAT. 
Nov 1, 20241.390 EUR1.290 EUR🟢BookRequest
Nov 2, 2024
Inka Path 4 Special price (early-bird) when registering before Aug 2, 2024. Fees include 20% VAT. 
Nov 3, 2024640 EUR590 EUR🟢BookRequest
Oct 27, 2024
Repeater's discount Fee reduction of 50% for participants who attended the Inca Path workshop 2017 or later, 30% fee reduction for participants who attended the Inca Path workshop before 2017. See SPECIAL DISCOUNT for further details.
Nov 3, 202430%50%🟢Request

🟢 seats available  🟡 few seats left  🔴 sold out

The participation fee for the 8-days workshop Inka Path 1-4 (including the Master Class) is EUR 1,890. If you register before August 2, 2024, the price is reduced to EUR 1,690. This total price already includes a discount of EUR 140 or EUR 190 (in contrast to booking both courses separately).

The participation fee for the 6-day event Inka-Paths 1-3 is 1,350 EUR. If you register by Dec 1, 2023 you’ll receive an early-bird discount and the price is reduced by EUR 100 to EUR 1,250.

The Inca Path 4 (master class) regularly costs 600 EUR. When registering by Dec 1, 2023, you’ll receive an early-bird discount and this price is reduced by EUR 50 to EUR 550.

Should you sign in for the 8-day course (Inca Paths 1-3 plus Master Class), you will receive another discount that reduces the total participation fee by 100 EUR (on top of the early-bird, if applicable).


You participated in this Inca Path workshop between 2017 and 2023?

For each of the four courses that you took at that time and now want to repeat, you will receive a repeater’s discount of 50% of the current course fees.

You participated in this Inca Path workshop before 2017?

For each of the four courses that you took at that time and now want to repeat, you will receive a repeater’s discount of 30% of the current course fees.


You already took part in other courses with Hans-Martin or Juan and Ivan?

This offer actually is only valid for participants of the Inca Path courses in Germany and Austria. Unfortunately it does not apply if you have taken part in a face-to-face or online seminar with Hans-Martin, an online course with Juan and Ivan or a face-to-face workshop with Juan and Ivan in another country.

This offer is only valid for the combination Juan/Ivan with Hans-Martin.



This workshop takes place if at least 10 people registered before Aug 13, 2024. Therefore, please do not book flights, train tickets and other services until you received a written confirmation.

Course language is English with German translation.

If you book before Aug 1, 2024, an early bird discount applies. You will also receive a further discount in case you book all four modules (called Inka Path 1-4).


The Hotel Wesenufer is located near Linz in Austria, well located between Vienna and Munich. Thanks to the location on the Danube, conference guests enjoy a wonderful view of the water and the surrounding land.

If you have any questions about your arrival, the closest airport or train station the reception at the Hotel Wesenufer will be happy to help you.

Hotel Wesenufer
Wesenufer 1
4085 Waldkirchen am Wesen
Tel.: +43 7718 200 90

Hotel website
Directions (Google Maps)


Accommodation and/or meals are not included in the seminar price. If you would like to stay at the Hotel Wesenufer, you can book accommodation and meals directly at the hotel (further information will follow after you register).

If you do not stay at the seminar hotel, booking the daily lunch (see price table below) is mandatory.

When registering for the seminar, please select whether you plan to stay at the Hotel Wesenufer or not. Your selection does not constitute a booking, but merely helps to reserve the expected number of desired rooms in a timely manner.


Breakfast is buffet style. Lunch is served as a 2-course menu and dinner as a 3-course menu, each with a choice of a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian main course.

The chefs focus on the dietary habits of their guests and are also happy to accommodate special requests. The hotel may charge a surcharge for meal requests that go beyond a vegetarian or meat diet.

I will request relevant information from you about 14 days before the seminar begins

Overnight stay

The hotel offers single rooms and double rooms. “Half” double rooms can only be occupied by two people of the same gender. If you book a “half” double room and the other half of the double room is not being booked, the room will be charged as a single room


Single room with full board: 120 EUR/day
Double room with full board: 105 EUR/day/pers.
Lunch only: 21 EUR/day/person.

Please note that the hotel reserves the right to subsequently change these prices due to general inflation rates. In this case, I will inform you in good time so that you can make your decision.


The Inca Path workshop consists of a total of 4 modules of 2 days each. Every day starts at 9.30am and ends at 6 pm.

9:30 am – 11:00 am: Part 1
11:00 am – 11:30 am: Break
11:30 am – 1:00 pm: Part 2
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: Lunch break

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Part 3
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Break
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Part 4


Oct 27 – Nov 1, 2024
Introductory Course (Inka Paths 1-3)

Nov 2 – 3, 2024
Master Class (Inca Path 4)


All of Inka World’s events are associated with significant financial obligations. Since groups are not very large, Inka World charges cancellation fees in the event that you cancel your participation before the start of the event.

These cancellation fees are based on the time of your cancellation and are staggered as follows:

  • Up to 60 days before the start of the event:
    10% of the course fee
  • 59 to 21 days before the start of the event:
    30% of the course fee
  • 20 to 10 days before the start of the event:
    75% of the course fee
  • 9 days or less before the start of the event:
    100% of the course fee
  • If you do not attend the event, the course fee will be charged in full

If you can not attend the event, you are free to name a substitute. As soon as this replacement person has paid the participation fee in full, you will receive your already paid registration fee – we will only deduct a processing fee of 50,00 EUR. You need to take care of any bank charges for reimbursement of the participation fee.


Since life is not predictable and things can change quickly, we strongly recommend the conclusion of a seminar cancellation insurance.

In many cases – especially in times of COVID-19 or in case a family member gets sick and you can’t leave for the workshop – this insurance covers for the cancellation fees and saves you from the financial consequences.


Thanks to all who have participated in this course in recent years. Special thanks go to those who took the time to write and send me their feedback.

Below you’l find a small excerpt, which is carried out on request without explicit names:

I followed an impulse to attend this seminar...

I followed an impulse to attend this seminar, now only deep gratitude is in my heart. At the level of the mind, it is unclear what this encounter means and what triggered it. It’s like a “coming home” …. a call that has always been there that I can now consciously follow. The initiations on the fourth level and in two lines of great teachers of the Inca tradition and the meeting with you … a great gift.

Two months later, my enthusiasm is still palpable...

The seminar with Juan and Ivan Nunez del Prado has been a very impressive experience. These two really manage to express their 40 years of knowledge in a 10-day seminar in such a tangible way.

Two months later, my enthusiasm is still palpable, and I use these techniques to deal with energies in my everyday life and work. For me and my clients, this results in greater freedom, a different perspective on life. My life becomes a river that leads to greater clarity and desires find their way into manifestation.

I'm still amazed of their knowledge...

It was very exciting and a lot to learn yet I am still amazed of their knowledge and skills. This seminar is was very comprehensive, dense and profound..

I look back on a workshop that has enriched me deeply...

I look back on a workshop that has enriched me deeply. Not only that a very interesting cosmovision was conveyed in a coherent, understandable and exciting way. You also addressed my heart and you perceived me as a human, not least by showing yourselves with your human side.

But we were also allowed to practice exercises from the Inca tradition, which could lead me to new, deeply touching experience horizons. So from a holistic point of view, I perceived with mind, heart and hand – an experience I would not want to miss!

Being able to create that feeling in my heart really impressed me...

The 6-day workshop was not just about the cosmovision and life of the Incas, but above all about learning ancient spiritual techniques that balance our relationship to the outer world, to the inner world and to each other as human beings.

My favorite? Munay – this is the name of the conscious feeling of love in the Inca tradition. Being able to create that feeling in my heart really impressed me.