Lorem Ipsum
Condor and hummingbird
It so happened once that the birds of the Andes wanted to choose a king. They gathered and each candidate came forward to describe what great skills he possessed, of what great benefit he could be to the community and why he should be elected king.
The condor – king of the skies
The condor is therefore still the king of the air and is connected to the upper world, but the hummingbird is the carrier of new initiation. Unlike the condor, which eats carrion, the hummingbird feeds exclusively on nectar or light energy.
In the Inka religion there is a specific exercise that will help you to grow and bring to bloom a delicate plant within yourself, to become part of the garden of Wiraqocha. As soon as you are able to produce this sweet nectar from within, the hummingbird will seek your presence to drink from it. He thereby connects humans with the power of God and raises them to the fifth (and next) level of human consciousness and the process of human development.
The exercise is called saminchakuy (“let sami flow through you”). Sami translates as nectar or light living energy. So, once you perform this exercise and let this energy flow through you, you eventually will attract the hummingbird who will come to you and give you the mosoq karpay, the new initiation.
So, instead of waiting to be chosen by Father Cosmos for receiving this new initiation, you can make it happen yourself by simply performing saminchakuy…
And the humminbird exercise is ???