The Inka Tradition from Peru

Make your energy flow and create your best life ever

In the last 20 years I met lots of people who felt empty, lonely and lost. What they were missing is existentially important to a human being: not only a perspective but also a feeling of joy, happiness and fulfillment. They were looking for a real meaning in life. 

So I started teaching them what is called The contemporary Inka spiritual art.

This indiginous tradition from the high Andes of Peru really is an art in which a nature-oriented cosmovision together with amazing mental exercises form a powerful training.

Following each step of this training they made their energy flow and created their best life ever. 

Is this what you are also looking for?

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The Inka Tradition from Peru

Make your energy flow and create your best life ever

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In the last 20 years I met lots of people who felt empty, lonely and lost. What they were missing is existentially important to a human being: not only a perspective but also a feeling of joy, happiness and fulfillment. They were looking for a real meaning in life.

So I started teaching them what is called The contemporary Inka spiritual art.

This indiginous tradition from the high Andes of Peru really is an art in which a nature-oriented cosmovision together with amazing mental exercises form a powerful training.

Following each step of this training they made their energy flow and created their best life ever. 

Is this what you are also looking for?

Hans-Martin Beck, spiritueller Lehrer, Speaker, Coach
Hans-Martin Beck
Coach, teacher, spiritual trainer

Be yourself. All other roles are already taken…

About needs, the joy of living and the art of taking care of yourself

How come that some people are at peace with themselves and know their abilities very well, while others seem to be searching forever??

In my experience, content people take themselves seriously. It’s not about playing to the gallery, but taking yourself seriously with all your fears, worries and needs. They carefully look at what they need and allow themselves time.

When doing that, you get a clear picture of who you are, what you want and what kind of abblies (or powers) you have. You become more aware, more courageous and more self-confident. You start to look for solutions and recognize what it takes to develop and change yourself.

To achieve this doesn’t take much at all!

The Andean tradition incorporates principles based on Mother Nature as well as mental exercises and pratises that help you steer your life in new directions and gain access to your most inner core: your inner voice and your inner truth.

I might not know what you’re looking for, but I can show you how to find it. This journey to yourself holds many surprises, and if you like, I will accompany you part of the way.

That’s my promise and that’s what I’m working on with you.

From a tiny seed to a giant tree

How nature supports your personal growth

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The Inka tradition is a spiritual practice that combines indigenous spiritual beliefs and practices with elements from other traditions. At its core, the universe is seen as a sacred and interconnected web of life in which all things are part of a greater whole. Ultimately, this tradition teaches humans how to create harmony within themselves and their environment by following the rhythm of nature.

To understand this flow the Inka masters always emphazise how energy is alive. In their worldview Mother and Father Universe provide an infinite amount of living energy – which means we all are immersed in life. All we need to do in order to flourish is to learn how to connect with this energy and to drive it.

The masters even have a name for our human potential. They literally call it the Inka Seed. Our duty in life simply is to trigger a process of germination so that our seed (which contains all our abilities, talents and powers) cracks open, connects fully with the world and one day soon becomes a giant tree.

What the Inka masters are saying is: When connecting with the forces of nature we humans will inevitably live out the infinite possibilities we received when stepping on planet Earth .

I had the opportunity to working closely with some of the most remarkable indiginous and Western teachers. From them I learned this ancient wisdom, a simple and effective training program that includes a huge variety of powerful mental techniques.

Applying these practises will enable you to

  • live harmonious relationships with the people surrounding you
  • solve daily-life challenges much more effectively 
  • reach your goals and realize your meaning of life

You can become this giant tree that rests in itself, giving shade to others and supporting them. Would you like to know how this works?

Start your best life now

These opportunities will help you reach your goals

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Read a book

Would you like to learn more about the ancient wisdom of the Inkas? Choose from a huge variety of books and gain a better understanding of the Inka spirituality.

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Healing session

Long-distance energy work with indigenous masters from Peru who take care of your energy blockages and retrieve lost parts of your soul. Video call in English with explanations.

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Inka Path Workshop

Workshop in Germany with Hans-Martin Beck, Ivan and Juan Nuñez del Prado from Peru. These two teachers are my mentors and together we teach the Inka tradition.

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Meeting with the Mountains

Adventure, study trip and vacation in Germany and Austria: In the midst of the Alps and at special power places you will connect with the power of nature, fill yourself with energy, gain strength and achieve a new kind of lightness.

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Hatun Karpay

Amazing trip to Peru in which you will follow the original 10 days initiation path of the great masters. This spiritual journey is led by Ivan and Juan Nuñez del Prado who guide you to ancient power places in the valley of Cusco, in Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.

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and joy of life

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Live with ease
and lightness

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Master problems in a
completely new way

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Gain control
of your life

Ancient indiginous knowledge for a life of joy, strength and self-confidence

The Inka Tradition: Approved, genuine, efficient

You are not looking for further improvements on the outside, but rather for something that fills you from within. You would like to gain more confidence, ease, trust and meaning in life?

The Inka Tradition is an ancient indigenous knowledge that was created hundreds of years ago to help you master problems in a completely new way, believe in yourself, follow your path, change the world and finally live your best life.

This is the right place for you if that’s what you want:

Develop a new joy for life

Live every day with ease and lightness

Fill yourself with confidence and self-worth

Feel contentment and inner peace

About me

My name is Hans-Martin Beck, I am a German-speaking teacher on the Inka tradition.

Since 2005 I have been studying the spiritual knowledge of the indiginous people of the high Andes of Peru. Over the years I learned from various masters and practised the tradition wholeheartedly until I finally decided to share my my own program and to teach my own workshops.

The feedback of my students definitely show what surprising effects this tradition had on your their lifes, how quickly they managed to change even the most difficult circumstances and how much they enjoyed working with me.

And this is what keeps me going.

Before embarking on this journey, I worked in the IT industry for many years, making a career in marketing and sales, earning an MBA in Scotland – and yet feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.

So I went on a search in 2005 and first came into contact with energy work and alternative healing arts. This encounter completely changed my perspective.

For many years, I worked with renowned top masters who taught me how to realign my focus and gently steer my life in a new direction.

All the experiences I made while walking my path were precious and helpful to an exten that I use them today to support my students and clients on their search towards a new focus, lightness, fulfillment and joy of life.

Just as my teachers once supported me when I walked my path.

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Gruppenfoto mit Teilnehmern der Reise MAGISCHES PERU aus Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz in Ollantaytambo, einer alten Stadt der Inkas
Die Inka-Meister Hans-Martin Beck, Elke Steinbach und Fredy Conde Huallpa führen jedes Jahr zusammen die spirituelle Reise Magisches Peru durch
Hans-Martin Beck, spiritueller Lehrer, Coach und Inka-Meister

What I can offer

Let’s get started and let’s work together to change what’s important to you: your way of thinking, your life and your whole world. By that I mean your inner and your outer world: your skills and talents, as well as your impact on your relationships, your job, your income, your health and everything you relate with.

Change can only happen from within, and I know from my own experiences that it always comes along with a new attitude towards life, clarity, self-determination, ease and contentment.

Currently I teach many of my courses in German only but as I’m open to work with groups all over the world I offer you to send me an email so we can find out how we may work together in the future.

Speak to you soon,

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